Forms & Handbooks
MSW Student Handbook
BSW Student Handbook
MSW Admissions with Academic Probation
When an MSW student is admitted on academic probation, the following conditions are engaged: students may apply for and start their internship; students are restricted to enroll in 3 credit-bearing classes during their start term if they begin in fall or spring, and students must earn grades of a B or higher in all classes. Students who prefer to attend part-time may extend their probation over two semesters, enroll in 2 credit-bearing classes each semester, and are required to earn grades of a B or higher while on probation. Students who begin in the summer must take 2 credit-bearing classes during their start term and are restricted to a maximum of 3 credit-bearing classes in the fall semester and must earn a grade of B or higher in all classes.
The online bilingual and online MSW programs are part-time programs, and as a result, students take fewer classes each term. For this reason, students admitted on probation into these programs are on academic probation for two semesters and are required to earn grades of B or higher in all classes.
The Associate Dean will monitor the student’s progress and verify if the student has met the conditions of probation and release the student from probation. It is recommended that the student consults with their Academic advisor to develop a long-term academic plan. Should a student withdraw from a course during the probationary semester or receive a grade(s) of B- or lower, the student will be dismissed from the program. If a student is dismissed, they have the right to appeal the grade or the dismissal (see appeal policy on page 32).
Students admitted on probation may not go on academic probation for any reason in any subsequent semester. Doing so will result in dismissal from the program.
The forms below are electronic; please e-mail them to the appropriate contact below. Please click on the form needed and type your name as your signature.
Forms for the BSW Program | Dr. Jeanne Solokec, |
Forms for the MSW Program |
Dr. Rana Hong, |
Forms for the CSA Chair | Dr. John Orwat, |
Internship applications can be accessed through Sonia. Instructions on How To Complete The Field Application in Sonia. Once the application is submitted, students will receive information regarding the internship process which includes the Sakai site and SONIA.