
Graduate Announcements

Graduate announcements are sent to students via their Loyola email on a biweekly basis. Contact quinlangrad@luc.edu if you have questions.

If submitting announcements, please note you must also submit them to the Quinlan Calendar. Items not posted on the calendar will be omitted from the weekly announcements.

WTC Resources

Submit Announcements and Events

To submit announcements and events, please do the following:

Read past issues


Graduate announcements are sent to students via their Loyola email on a biweekly basis. Contact quinlangrad@luc.edu if you have questions.

If submitting announcements, please note you must also submit them to the Quinlan Calendar. Items not posted on the calendar will be omitted from the weekly announcements.

WTC Resources

Submit Announcements and Events

To submit announcements and events, please do the following:

Read past issues