Below are data and resources on recent matriculants to dental school. These data provide a general picture of competitive marks in terms of Cumulative GPA, Science GPA, and relevant standardized test scores. The information provided in this section serves only as general guidelines. The marks for individual matriculants and individual health professional schools may vary substantially from these general guidelines. Earning a certain GPA or test score does not guarantee acceptance to health professional school, nor does it destine one for rejection.
Cumulative GPA
- Green Light: 3.50 or higher (60% of 2016 enrollees to dental school had a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher)
- Yellow Light: 3.25 to 3.49 (85% of 2016 enrollees to dental school had a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher)
- Red Light: Lower than 3.25 (15% of 2016 enrollees to dental school had a cumulative GPA of 3.24 or lower)
BCP (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) GPA
- Green Light: 3.50 or higher (47% of 2016 enrollees to dental school had a science GPA of 3.50 or higher)
- Yellow Light: 3.25 to 3.49 (71% of 2016 enrollees to dental school had a science GPA of 3.25 or higher)
- Red Light: Lower than 3.25 (29% of 2016 enrollees to dental school had a science GPA of 3.24 or lower, and less than 10% of 2016 enrollees to dental school had a science GPA of below 3.0)
- Green Light: 21 or higher
- Yellow Light: 19 or 20
- Red Light: 18 or lower*
*(1) 18% of 2016 enrollees to dental school had an Academic Average section score of 18 or lower, and less than 2% 2016 enrollees to dental school had an Academic Average section score or 16 or lower.
(2) 21% of 2016 enrollees to dental school had a Total Science section score of 18 or lower, and less than 3% of 2016 enrollees to dental school had a Total Science section score or 16 or lower.
(3) 21% of 2016 enrollees to dental school had a Perceptual Ability section score of 18 or lower, and less than 4% of 2016 enrollees to dental school had a Perceptual Ability section score or 16 or lower.