
Retaking the MPA

After the first assessment, ALEKS creates an individualized Learning Module, targeted at perceived gaps in knowledge. All students are strongly encouraged to spend several hours using the ALEKS Prep and Learning Module before retaking ALEKS the assessment. 

What is the ALEKS Learning Module?

After your first assessment, an individualized Learning Module—targeted on your knowledge and gaps in knowledge discovered during the first assessment—is available to help you review or learn material, and, hopefully, improve placement and eventual course outcomes. You are strongly encouraged to spend thirty to forty-five uninterrupted minutes two or three times a day for several days using the ALEKS Prep and Learning Module. Even if you have achieved placement in your desired course, time spent in ALEKS will better prepare you for your upcoming course and ultimately lead to better grades.

The Learning Module must be accessed within six (6) months of completing the initial ALEKS assessment in order to be activated; otherwise it will not be available at all.  Once it is accessed, the Learning Module is available for six (6) months.

Progress in the Learning Module does not automatically result in a new placement.  You will still need to retake the ALEKS assessment after working in the Learning Module in order to attempt to place higher.

Is there a fee for the Learning Module available through ALEKS?

The Learning Module is part of the assessment bundle: five (5) assessments and a six (6) month access to the Learning Module.

How does the Learning Module work?

Once you complete the initial ALEKS assessment, you will choose a Learning Module to review and learn math concepts: Prep for Beginning Alegbra, Prep for Intermediate Algebra, Prep for College Algebra, Prep for PreCalculus, Prep for Calculus. It is best to choose the Learning Module that ALEKS suggests. If and when you finish that Learning Module, contact the Math Placement Coordinator to request to move into the next level.

Progress in the Learning Module does not automatically result in a new placement. Students will need to retake the proctored MPA after working in the Learning Module in order to attempt to place higher.

Can I retake the ALEKS Placement Assessment immediately?

Yes for the second and third exam. Before the fourth and fifith MPA, you must spend at least three (3) hours in the Learning Modules prior to taking the next assessment.

How long can I use the ALEKS Learning Module?

Once you begin the Learning Module, you may use it for up to six (6) months, if started within six months of the first assessment, or until January 31, whichever is earlier.

After the first assessment, ALEKS creates an individualized Learning Module, targeted at perceived gaps in knowledge. All students are strongly encouraged to spend several hours using the ALEKS Prep and Learning Module before retaking ALEKS the assessment.