Pre-2016 Requirements
Completion of the Spanish major requires ten courses totaling 30 credits, excluding 101-104 or their equivalent.
Requirements include SPAN 250 or 252, 251 or 253, 270, 271, 352, and five additional 300-level courses from the list below. Of the five additional 300-level courses, one must be in the Golden Age, one in 19th or 20th century literature, and one in Latin American literature in addition to Spanish 352 (for a total of two courses in Latin American literature).
All majors are asked to complete a portfolio prior to graduation for evaluative purposes. Students are encouraged to include a variety of representative assignments from their Spanish courses (syllabi, papers, exams, media files), as well as materials from creative projects, foreign travel, study abroad, or internships. Students are also requested to prepare a brief (1-2 pages) personal statement in Spanish assessing their learning experiences in the major. Students will be responsible for assembling, updating, revising, and presenting their portfolios.
Courses are as follows:
- 250 & 251: Composition & Conversation I & II. Courses designed to develop greater fluency in speech and writing.
- 252: Composition and Conversation: Native Speakers. Course designed for Spanish-speaking students. Intensive study of grammar and composition.
- 253: Advanced Composition and Conversation: Native Speakers. Continuation of 252.
- 270 & 271: Main Currents of Spanish Literature I & II. Courses designed to acquaint the student with the main currents of Spanish literature through the study of selected representative works.
NOTE: 200-level courses are prerequisites for 300-level courses.
Required 300-level courses:
- At least one course in the Golden Age
- At least one course in 19th century literature or 20th century literature
- At least two courses in Spanish-American literature, one of which must be Spanish 352
- Two additional 300-level courses may be chosen from among the following:
- 300: Tutorial for Credit
- 302: Business Spanish
- 305: Advanced Spanish Grammar
- 308: Literary Criticism
- 311: Generation of 1898
- 319: Romanticism
- 326: Theater of the Golden Age
- 331: Twentieth Century Poetry
- 339: Nineteenth Century Poetry
- 340: Survey of Prose, Fictional and Non-Fictional
- 341: Twentieth Century Spanish Literature
- 346: Prose of the Golden Age
- 347: Cervantes' Don Quijote
- 349: Realism and Naturalism
- 352: Masterpieces of Spanish-American Literature
- 360: Borges
- 361: Hispanic Women Writers
- 362: Hispanic Feminism
- 363: Spanish Cinema
- 364: Advanced Oral Expression
- 370: Spanish-American Poetry
- 380: Spanish-American Prose Fiction
- 381: Contemporary Latin American Novel
- 385: Spanish Literature of the Caribbean
- 389: Spanish-American Short Story
- 390: Culture and Civilization
- 395: Internship
- 397: Topics in Hispanic Literature
- 399: Honors Tutorial