
Our People

Our People

We bring the right people together for the right reasons. IRJ provides resources and structures to allow faculty, students, and community leaders from across Loyola, Chicago, and beyond to build meaningful partnerships and collaborate on transformative research and education.

Leading for Racial Justice

IRJ is led by Dr. Malik S. Henfield, professor and founding dean of the Institute. His scholarship examines Black students' lived experiences and explores how their successes are impeded and enhanced by school, family, and community contexts. As a counselor educator, he has worked tirelessly with school systems and policymakers across the country to diversify the counseling profession and to improve the lives of marginalized families and communities.

Meet Our Team

Faculty, fellows, staff, graduate, and undergraduate students work together to power IRJ. Get to know our dedicated and dynamic team.

Our Affiliates & Partners


One of our community partners, MAPSCorps, is an organization that empowers youth to leverage data to improve the human condition, especially within historically underserved communities.

The Chicago Urban League works to achieve equity for Black families and communities through social and economic empowerment.

Chicago Urban League

The Chicago Urban League works to achieve equity for Black families and communities through social and economic empowerment.

Through advocacy and analysis, the Forum builds a foundation for equity, justice and economic prosperity for the Latino community.

Latino Policy Forum

Through advocacy and analysis, the Forum builds a foundation for equity, justice and economic prosperity for the Latino community.

As one of our policy partners in equity work, the Illinois State Board of Education, is actively working to integrate equity into the routine work of

Illinois State Board of Education

As one of our policy partners in equity work, the Illinois State Board of Education, is actively working to integrate equity into the routine work of pK-12 districts in Illinois.