
Alternative Resolution Options

ALTERNATIVE RESOLUTION OPTIONS MAY BE AVAILABLE in certain circumstances prior to reaching a determination regarding the respondent’s responsibility, when both parties agree and when the EDEC determines that the matter is appropriate for alternative resolution.

Before initiating any alternative resolution option (including mediation, restorative justice, directed discussions, no contest resolutions, and other negotiated resolutions), the University must provide to all parties a written notice disclosing the allegations, the requirements of the alternative resolution option, and any consequences resulting from participating in the alternative resolution option (including the records that will be maintained or could be shared).

General information about the availability of alternative resolution options may be included in the University’s responsive communications to reports and/or complaints, but alternative resolution may only be requested by a party upon or after the filing of a formal complaint.

Additionally, both/all parties must provide voluntary, written consent to alternative resolution for the University to proceed with facilitating alternative resolution; the University may not require or compel any party to participate in an alternative resolution process; and alternative resolution is never available to resolve allegations that a faculty or staff employee engaged in Title IX sexual harassment towards a student.

At any point prior to resolving a matter through alternative resolution, any party may withdraw from the alternative resolution process and resume the ERP or the Grievance Process (as applicable) with respect to the complaint. However, once a matter has been resolved through alternative resolution, it may not be raised again.

Alternative resolution may be facilitated internally by a trained and qualified University employee or externally by an outside organization, such as the Center for Conflict Resolution, with logistical support provided by the OEC. Parties interested in exploring the possibility of alternative resolution should discuss these options with the EDEC or assigned investigator.

ALTERNATIVE RESOLUTION OPTIONS MAY BE AVAILABLE in certain circumstances prior to reaching a determination regarding the respondent’s responsibility, when both parties agree and when the EDEC determines that the matter is appropriate for alternative resolution.

Before initiating any alternative resolution option (including mediation, restorative justice, directed discussions, no contest resolutions, and other negotiated resolutions), the University must provide to all parties a written notice disclosing the allegations, the requirements of the alternative resolution option, and any consequences resulting from participating in the alternative resolution option (including the records that will be maintained or could be shared).

General information about the availability of alternative resolution options may be included in the University’s responsive communications to reports and/or complaints, but alternative resolution may only be requested by a party upon or after the filing of a formal complaint.

Additionally, both/all parties must provide voluntary, written consent to alternative resolution for the University to proceed with facilitating alternative resolution; the University may not require or compel any party to participate in an alternative resolution process; and alternative resolution is never available to resolve allegations that a faculty or staff employee engaged in Title IX sexual harassment towards a student.

At any point prior to resolving a matter through alternative resolution, any party may withdraw from the alternative resolution process and resume the ERP or the Grievance Process (as applicable) with respect to the complaint. However, once a matter has been resolved through alternative resolution, it may not be raised again.

Alternative resolution may be facilitated internally by a trained and qualified University employee or externally by an outside organization, such as the Center for Conflict Resolution, with logistical support provided by the OEC. Parties interested in exploring the possibility of alternative resolution should discuss these options with the EDEC or assigned investigator.