
I Experienced Discrimination or Sexual Misconduct

Information for Affected Parties

If you have experienced discrimination, sexual misconduct, or retaliation, help is available. You do not have to go through it alone.  

The Office for Equity & Compliance ("OEC") is available to talk with anyone who wants to explore their options for reporting an instance or pattern of discrimination, sexual misconduct, or retaliation.

Anyone can submit a report online or contact any OEC staff member at 773.508.7766 or equity@luc.edu. After submitting a report, you will be contacted by a member of our team to follow up and talk with you about your options moving forward, which may include the option of filing a complaint.

Student matters may also be reported to the CURA Network under the Office of the Dean of Students. For students who have experienced sexual assault, intimate partner and/or domestic violence, or stalking, and would like to speak with someone confidentially and/or receive University or off-campus resources, please contact the Wellness Center's confidential Advocacy Line at 773-494-3810.

Affected parties may be interested in learning more about the following topics:

Information for Affected Parties

If you have experienced discrimination, sexual misconduct, or retaliation, help is available. You do not have to go through it alone.  

The Office for Equity & Compliance ("OEC") is available to talk with anyone who wants to explore their options for reporting an instance or pattern of discrimination, sexual misconduct, or retaliation.

Anyone can submit a report online or contact any OEC staff member at 773.508.7766 or equity@luc.edu. After submitting a report, you will be contacted by a member of our team to follow up and talk with you about your options moving forward, which may include the option of filing a complaint.

Student matters may also be reported to the CURA Network under the Office of the Dean of Students. For students who have experienced sexual assault, intimate partner and/or domestic violence, or stalking, and would like to speak with someone confidentially and/or receive University or off-campus resources, please contact the Wellness Center's confidential Advocacy Line at 773-494-3810.

Affected parties may be interested in learning more about the following topics: