Kirk Shellko
M.A. (Philosophy), John Carroll University
M.A., Ph.D. (Classical Studies), Loyola University Chicago
Research Interests
Ancient science, comic & tragic representations of Socrates in Plato’s dialogues, Aristotle
Courses Taught
- CLST 271, 272, 273
- GREK 262, 275
- LATN 283
Selected Publications
Papers Presented
- "The Dramatic Characterization of Plato's Philosophical Hero," Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Grand Rapids Michigan, 7 April 2011
- "Fantastic Literary Elements in Plato's Hippias Minor," Comparative Drama Conference, LA California, 24 March 2011
- "The Curious Aesthetic of Rhesus," Comparative Drama Conference, Loyola Marymount University, 25-27 March 2010
- "Apollonian and Dionysian Imagery in Virgil's Aeneid" delivered as guest at The Summer Aeneid Reading Project, affiliated with Barrington High School and the Barrington Area Public Library, 15 July 2007
- "Comic Ethics: Strepsiades and the Comic Bane and Socrates the Comic Antidote," Classical Association of the Midwest and South, 6 April 2006
- "The Intuitive Appeal of Myth," Classical Association of the Middle West and South, 31 March 2005