
Learning Competencies

A competency is defined as “mastery of learning by students through their demonstration of knowledge, attitudes, values, skills, and behaviors” (Gervais, 2016). Based upon the Center for Engaged Learning, Teaching, & Scholarship (CELTS) conceptual framework and CELTS learning outcomes, the following competencies are aspirational for Loyola students to develop.

As students engage in service-learning courses, academic internship courses, undergraduate research experiences, and as they construct learning portfolios in these areas, they will develop and deepen in these competencies. The explanation of the competencies are adapted from a number of resources, including the Five Characteristics of a Jesuit Education, Principles of Catholic Social Teaching, AAC&U’s Essential Learning Outcomes, the NACE Career Readiness Competencies, and the Civic-Minded Graduate framework.

A competency is defined as “mastery of learning by students through their demonstration of knowledge, attitudes, values, skills, and behaviors” (Gervais, 2016). Based upon the Center for Engaged Learning, Teaching, & Scholarship (CELTS) conceptual framework and CELTS learning outcomes, the following competencies are aspirational for Loyola students to develop.

As students engage in service-learning courses, academic internship courses, undergraduate research experiences, and as they construct learning portfolios in these areas, they will develop and deepen in these competencies. The explanation of the competencies are adapted from a number of resources, including the Five Characteristics of a Jesuit Education, Principles of Catholic Social Teaching, AAC&U’s Essential Learning Outcomes, the NACE Career Readiness Competencies, and the Civic-Minded Graduate framework.