
Student Employment and Work-Study

Student Employment/Work-Study spans two campuses, 450 campus offices, and 30 Community-based organizations. 

Student employees must apply for positions. Work-study is a competitive process that mirrors a post-graduate job search process, so meeting with a career advisor is a great first step. To assist in the job search process check out the Student Employment Guide.

Additional information: 

Questions? Call 773.508.7716 or email careercenter@luc.edu.

Student Employment/Work-Study spans two campuses, 450 campus offices, and 30 Community-based organizations. 

Student employees must apply for positions. Work-study is a competitive process that mirrors a post-graduate job search process, so meeting with a career advisor is a great first step. To assist in the job search process check out the Student Employment Guide.

Additional information: 

Questions? Call 773.508.7716 or email careercenter@luc.edu.