
Internship FAQs

What is an internship?

An internship is an on-site or remote work experience that is either directly related to your major or your career interest.  It can be paid or unpaid and held during the summer, semesterly or throughout the academic year.

What are the benefits of an internship?

An internship gives you the opportunity to:

  • Gain valuable work experience and transferable skills before you graduate
  • Develop new skills and refine others
  • Apply knowledge gained from coursework to on-the-job situations
  • Experience tentative career choices and new work environments
  • Meet and network with professionals in your field, for references and future opportunities
  • Possibly earn course credit or earn money for tuition or expenses
  • Gain confidence in your abilities

How do I find an internship?

The most effective internship searches utilize a variety of different search strategies. A great place to start is our Finding an Internship page. 


When is a good time to start looking for an internship?

What year in school?

  •  It’s never too early to start looking for an internship. The Career Development Office recommends allowing yourself at least one semester of academic study to adjust to life at Loyola. Then, depending on your major, GPA, and course load requirements, you may be ready to intern.

When throughout the year?

  • The Career Development Office receives and posts internship listings regularly throughout the year on Handshake. It's best to begin your internship search the semester prior to your desired placement so you'll have time to respond to listed positions and initiate contacts on your own. Lead time can give you a competitive edge when it comes to writing an effective cover letter or tailoring your resume for a desired internship.

Can I get academic credit for my internship?

It may be possible to get academic credit for your internship, but not from the Career Development Center. Only academic departments can offer credit, and policies differ greatly from one department to the next. For more information see the Academic Internship FAQs.


What if I am an international student?

There are different requirements for international students who wish to obtain work authorization. For more information, consult an advisor in the Office of International Programs.

How can I get an internship if I have no experience?

Employers value skills developed through academic work, volunteer, extracurricular or other experiences which demonstrate skills useful in the workplace. Not all of these skills are job type specific; some are general skills such as communication and analytical skills, and can transfer to different settings. Any routine type of experience or leadership skills can demonstrate to employers that you will be a successful employee.

How can I get help with deciding what internship I should pursue?

You can start by meeting with a Career Development Advisor for assistance – they can help you assess your interests, strengths and skills, create a resume, participate in practice interviews and research organizations and employers for opportunities. To make an appointment for general or career field-specific internship advising, login to Handshake call 773.508.7716.

Do employers come on campus to recruit for internships?

Yes. Make plans to check Handshake (formerly RamblerLink) for employers hosting information tables and information sessions throughout the year. Also be sure to participate in the Job, Internship and Service Fair in September and our school specific fairs held throughout the year.

What if my question isn't answered here?

One of the most effective ways to get answers and plan for your internship search is to meet with a Career Development Advisor. To make an appointment for general or career field-specific internship advising, call 773.508.7716 or schedule an appointment through Handshake.