
Employer FAQs

Can Loyola students receive academic credit for an internship?

If an employer is looking to post a position that offers academic credit, the Center for Engaged Learning, Teaching, and Scholarship is involved and offers information, resources and support for the development of academic internship opportunities. For more information about academic internships, visit the Center for Engaged Learning, Teaching, and Scholarship's (CELTS) website.

Where can I find Loyola student organization descriptions and contact information?

Student organizations are an excellent way to make a connection with Loyola students for recruiting purposes. Many employers find connecting with student organizations on campus to be an easy and effective way to increase brand-recognition and to identify potential candidates.

Check out the many diverse student organizations at Loyola. If you have an interest in a particular organization, you can contact them directly, or let us know and we can assist you in making the connection.

Can I set up an Information Table/Session on campus?

Employers can reserve an information table/session during the weekdays on both the Lake Shore and Water Tower campus. Space is available on a first-come, first-serve basis and based on career center approval. Please visit Handshake to schedule a session or event.

How is an on-campus recruiting schedule set up once I post my position?

To reserve a date, log-in to Handshake, choose Loyola University Chicago under 'campus' and then 'Request Interview Schedule.' Follow the prompts. You must request a schedule for each job and/or internship posting. A staff person from Career Services will review your request.

What are the steps for setting up and executing on-campus interviewing?

Check out Handshake's detailed help section related to all OCI questions. If you still have questions, our team will be happy to assist. Please contact us at 773.508.7716.

How can I view the schedule for my OCI?

Log in to Handshake and click “Interviews", review the schedule on your dashboard.

Can I post childcare or domestic care positions on Handshake?

While we use Handshake as our Career Management Platform, we have found that Handshake is not the best place for students to access these sorts of jobs. If you are not a registered business and have an independent job posting to share (i.e. babysitter, tutor, dog-walker, etc),we recommend posting the position to external platforms our students access, such as QuadJobsUrban Sitter, and/or Loyola University Babysitting Facebook Group. These sites are where our students seek independently hosted employment.