Loyola University Chicago

Department of Anthropology

Dr. Kristin L. Krueger

Custom avatar created by Ethan Kocak (@Blackmudpuppy)

Professor and Department Chair
Department of Anthropology
Loyola University Chicago, BVM Tower 708
Lake Shore Campus
1032 W. Sheridan Road
Chicago, IL  60660
Office Phone: 773.508.3438
Kristin L. Krueger is a first-generation college student who received her Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Arkansas in 2011. She specializes in biological anthropology in general, but focuses her research on dental anthropology within paleoanthropology and bioarchaeology contexts. She is interested in understanding the dietary and behavioral strategies of our hominin ancestors, including Neandertals, archaic modern humans, and recent modern humans.
Dr. Krueger has conducted research and/or fieldwork in Canada, Egypt, England, Italy, Nepal, and throughout the United States.

Current Research:

Dr. Krueger’s current research focuses on understanding how microwear textures form and their turnover rates through experimental means. This is a collaborative effort with the Minnesota Dental Research Center for Biomaterials and Biomechanics group at the University of Minnesota’s School of Dentistry.

Research Opportunities for Students:

Dr. Krueger encourages students, especially those underrepresented in STEM, to contact her about research and/or laboratory opportunities.

Paleontology work in Wyoming’s Great Divide Basin. Fire ants collect fossil teeth and add them to their nest.  I’m carefully picking teeth even though angry fire ants are in attack mode.  (THAT’S how much I love teeth!).

Recent publications:

In press   Krueger KL, Chwa E, Peterson AS, Willman JC, Fok A, van Heel B, Heo Y, Weston M, DeLong R. Accepted to the AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY on July 15th, 2021.
2019        Krueger KL, Willman JC, Matthews G, Hublin J-J., Pérez-Pérez A. Anterior tooth-use behaviors in early modern humans and Neandertals. PLOS ONE 14(11), e0224573, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0224573.
2019        Schmidt CW, Remy A, Van Sessen R, Scott R, Willman JC, Krueger KL, Mahoney P, Beach J, McKinley J, d’Anastasio R, Chiu LW, Buzon M, de Gregory R, Sheridan S, Eng J, Watson J, Klaus H, DaGloria P, Wilson J, Stone A, Sereno P, Droke JL, Perash R, Stojanowski C. Dental microwear texture analysis of Homo sapiens: foragers, farmers, and pastoralists. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 169(2), 207-226, doi: 10.1002/ajpa.23815. 
2017         Krueger KL, Ungar PS, Guatelli-Steinberg D, Hublin J-J, Pérez-Pérez A, Trinkaus E, Willman, JC. Anterior dental microwear textures show habitat-driven variability in Neandertal behavior. JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION 105, April 2017, 13-23, doi: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2017.01.004.
2016          Krueger KL. Dentition, behavior, and diet determination. In: Irish JD and Scott GR, editors. A Companion to Dental Anthropology. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons Press, pp. 396-411.

Bonus Pics:

 Dr. K and one of her cats                      
Dr. K and one of her five cats!                           A fully vaccinated Dr. Krueger!